
Archives for heart


Tai Chi for Your Heart

by Mackenzie M. March 21st, 2013| Cardio, Outdoor
When one takes an early morning stroll past public parks in China and Taiwan, it is commonplace to see large groups of older citizens performing their ritual exercise of tai chi. This centuries old mind body exercise has been used by Chinese citizens of all ages to increase strength

Take it to a Higher Level

by Joan Jacobsen October 24th, 2012| Fitness Expert
I recently came across an article regarding the effectiveness of your pace during activity when it concerns keeping your heart healthy. There is a name for a group of risk factors (such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke) known as metabolic syndrome.

One of the aspects to maintain

Run the Path to Stress Relief

by Mackenzie M. February 23rd, 2012| Running
We all know that running is good for the body. It pushes the heart and lungs, and it gets the blood flowing. It builds and solidifies muscles, and it helps burn unwanted calories. But when it comes to the relationship between running and stress relief, there is an entire

Absence of Exercise Makes the Heart Grow Weaker

by Joan Jacobsen February 22nd, 2012| Fitness Expert
You are probably familiar with the quote “absence makes the heart grow fonder," which actually makes sense regarding relationships. At times we do miss our loved ones more when they are not able to be with us. February happens to be American Heart Month, which for me translates into

Bike Your Way to Cardio Health

by Heather Duchan August 1st, 2011| Biking
Who needs a gym when you can purchase one piece of equipment for under $100 that will improve your cardio fitness, build muscle tone, and get you where you need to go? Although a gym has its advantages, air-conditioning being one, a bike is an awesome way to get

Yoga: Enjoy the Little Things

by Denise Druce July 13th, 2011| Fitness Expert
An amazing thing happened today. I held my son’s pet rat Spike, who was taking his last breaths. I was never a fan of rats, until my boys begged to bring one home. And being a lover of all things furry, I was converted. What was really amazing about

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.