
Archives for ice skate

ice skate

Ice Skating for Your Health

by Mackenzie M. December 28th, 2012| Cardio
Before Christmas, I had the opportunity to go ice skating with some family and friends after a nearly ten year hiatus. After the first wobbly glides, I got the hang of it again, and was whizzing across the icy pond. Faster than expected, my ankles began to

Wake up During Your Long Winter Nap

by Joan Jacobsen December 28th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Are we intelligent because we exercise, or do we exercise because we are intelligent? I suppose it’s like the age-old query what came first, the chicken or the egg? Discovering what the answer is would be a feat in itself, so therefore we should just keep an open mind

Budget Family Fitness Activities

by Angela Yorke November 22nd, 2011| Family Fitness
Group activities, such as those aimed at making your family fitter, often sound like they can be dauntingly expensive, as things involving a lot of people tend to require large expenditures; however, unless you insist on premium gym memberships and/or high-end exercise gear for everyone, you don’t have to

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.