
Archives for runners


Racing Strategies for Runners: Mental

by Louise February 27th, 2013| Fitness Expert
One of my favorite statements about running is that you get out of it what you put into it. This truism is usually thought of as referring to mileage and physical effort; if you don't do the work, you won't get better. This much is absolutely correct. However, the

Yoga for Runners

by Denise Druce September 12th, 2012| Fitness Expert
I did an informal poll today in a yoga class, and I learned that about half of my students consider themselves runners.  Some are just trying it out for the first time, and some are training for their ump-teenth marathon.  I can’t say enough about the benefits of yoga


by Louise March 20th, 2012| Eating Tips
"Carbo-loading" is a term typically used by endurance athletes, which most commonly refers to eating increased amounts of carbohydrates starting three days before an endurance event, specifically a competition. Most commonly, carbo-loading comes in the form of a "pasta party" the night before a big race, such as the

Runners: Coming Back from Time Off

by Louise June 13th, 2011| Running
Returning from time off takes a bit of finesse and a lot of patience for runners. Of course, we want to get back to our former shape as soon as possible. Yet, if we come back too strong, we risk paying for it later, physically and literally. It's all

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