
Archives for pace

Walking Intensity

by Bea November 9th, 2012| Cardio, Walking
If you are walking to lose weight and as a cardio exercise, you have to cut out the leisurely strolls. In other words, pick up the pace.

Walking is a great form of cardio exercise, because you can do it anywhere without any equipment other than good shoes. However, if

Take it to a Higher Level

by Joan Jacobsen October 24th, 2012| Fitness Expert
I recently came across an article regarding the effectiveness of your pace during activity when it concerns keeping your heart healthy. There is a name for a group of risk factors (such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke) known as metabolic syndrome.

One of the aspects to maintain

Tips for the Finish Line

by Mackenzie M. May 14th, 2012| Running
Half the battle of running a race, or running in general, is a mental one. Several magazines, websites, and coaches all fervently claim that the best way to run faster, or to finish a race with flying colors, is to develop a mental attitude that allows the body to

Running in a Winter Wonderland

by Mackenzie M. December 27th, 2011| Running
As an avid runner, I find the frigid winter winds and brisk air anything but motivators for going on a long run, if any run at all. In Louisiana, it rarely dips below 50 degrees, but I currently find myself in the frigid North, where running in winter can

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.