
Walking Posture

by Bea | July 19th, 2012 | Walking

So you have been walking for a while, but you can’t seem to pick up the pace. What do you do? I am sure that you have tried a variety of motivators, such as trying to keep to a certain pace or listening to upbeat music, but there are also some technical tips out there too.

The first step would be to use good posture. Make sure that you keep your body nice and tall, and that you look about 20 feet ahead of you. Be sure to keep your head up, and your chin should be level. Consciously think about these things; I know I often have to remind myself to roll my shoulders back and to pick up my chin. Your shoulders should be down, back, and relaxed, and your chest should be raised. This will also help with your breathing. Breathing is especially important, and it is best to take deep, rhythmic breaths in order to get the most amount of oxygen that you can.

Your frequency of breath taking should increase while you walk, but don’t run out of air! Also, it’s a good idea to try to walk along a “straight line,” and take smaller and faster steps. Long steps might not actually get you to walk faster; that’s why racers always want “quick feet.”

As for your arms, keep them at about a 90 degree angle. Use your arms well! Not only will you work out your arms, but using your arms will actually get you to move faster. My coach always used to tell me that I could only run as fast as my arms could move. Your arms should swing front to back (be sure not to swing them across your body), and don’t swing them so that your elbows end up being higher than your sternum. Just be careful not to use too vigorous of arm movements.

You have to be sure to engage the rest of your body as well. For example, push off with your toes, and use the spring in your calf muscles to push you forward. Your body is capable of a lot, but it’s important to take care of it and listen to it. By doing this, you can use it efficiently, and get some speed of it as well!

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All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.