
Archives for Assorted Workouts

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4 Exercises for an Awesome Back Workout

by Marnie Bii June 5th, 2024| Assorted Workouts, Cardio

Your back muscles need to grow stronger in line with your arm, leg and abdominal strength increases to prevent imbalances. Weak back muscles can decrease your potential for gains in other areas and possibly increase the risk of injury. Luckily,

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4 Heart Pounding Yoga Poses for Your Abs

by Marnie Bii March 27th, 2024| Assorted Workouts, Cardio

Your core muscles provide the support your body needs while getting in shape and gaining strength. Without strong abdominal muscles, you are at risk of injuring your lower back while performing heavy lifting moves. You also need a strong core

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Cardio and Leg Training

by Jessica B. October 25th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
There is no shortage of exercises you can do to help tone up your legs and improve your leg strength while building your cardio, but it can be tricky to find a type of cardio exercise that won’t also risk causing repetitive injuries and overuse injuries if you don’t

Dance for Fitness

by Jessica B. July 27th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio, Indoor
I have admitted before that dance workouts are not my favorite. I end up feeling uncoordinated and confused. But when you mix dance workouts with video games I can play in my own home, the challenge is a little more exciting. There is the motivation of being driven by
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4 Important Back Exercises for Your Routine

by Marnie Bii June 29th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
When you work on improving strength in your back, you increase your muscle health all throughout your body. Strong back muscles enable you to maintain great posture and put more effort into every workout as your strength grows. You can work a few key exercises into your exercise sessions
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3 Tools You Can Use to Target Your Arm Muscles

by Marnie Bii May 25th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
Exercises designed to bulk up the muscles in your arms also go a long way in toning up your shoulders, neck, back and abdomen. By targeting your arm muscles, you're effectively working out your upper body all at the same time. Push your effort to the limit to net
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4 Body Toning Swim Moves That Prep You for Summer

by Marnie Bii April 26th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
You can achieve two goals in one by toning up your body for summer by practicing vital swim moves. Mastering these moves will give you the skills to safely enjoy your time by the pool, lake or ocean side as the days warm up. Furthermore, the demanding movements will
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4 Awesome Toning Exercises for a Beach Ready Body

by Marnie Bii April 12th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
After you've reached your goal weight, you still may not feel ready to don a bikini and hit the beach once summer arrives. A lack of muscle tone in your stomach, thighs and upper arm areas can make you feel less fit than you really are. Although heavy lifting
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4 Cardio Exercises that Build Up Your Core Muscles

by Marnie Bii March 8th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
Although cardio routines often focus on quick, intense movements, it is possible to get the blood pumping with a series of precision movements instead. This is especially true if those movements activate a large number of muscles, such as those found in the core, at the same time. Furthermore,
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High Intensity Exercise Ideas Suitable for Couples

by Marnie Bii February 15th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
Strict accountability often keeps you working toward your fitness goals when all you would rather do is give up. There is no better person to provide a boost of accountability than your life partner. Your partner may gladly jump on board as your fitness sidekick to work toward a

New Beginnings: 3 Cardio Exercises For A Toned Bodye

by Marnie Bii January 18th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
When done right, cardio exercises burn calories while toning up muscles throughout the body. To maximize your results, you must pick the right equipment and moves to challenge your body to work its hardest. Focusing on the same exercises all of the time only trains a particular area of
pilates stretch

2 Cardio Exercises to Jumpstart the New Year

by Marnie Bii January 4th, 2023| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
Whether you want to lose weight, gain stamina or improve your health, updating your cardio routine for the new year can help you meet your goals. Switching up your cardio exercises strengthens new muscle groups while keeping you from growing bored with your routine. Once you have restored interest

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.