Goals for Staying Inspired

by Kimberly Hays | May 15th, 2024 | Mind & Body
woman running (2) (400x400)

You hit them gym, go to yoga class, or run three to four days a week, but why? To stay motivated, you need to not only go through the motions, but think about why you work out. Do you want more energy, to lose weight, to improve your health, or just want to look better? Figuring out your reasons will help you to stay inspired and reach your goals.

Break down whatever it is that motivates you and keeps you inspired, and break these things into goals of 6-12 weeks to see how you are doing. Don’t continually weigh yourself, look in the mirror and judge your body, or anything that causes you to be hard on yourself. Stick to the goal, remember why you are exercising, and just enjoy it. You’ll be amazed at the end of the last goal week at how much you’ve accomplished, which will also continue to motivate you.

Comments on Goals for Staying Inspired

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.