When you're having a difficult week, it's likely that you start deeply ruminating about past and upcoming events as soon as your head hits the pillow. Unfortunately, disruptions in your quantity and quality of sleep can

Watch for Heatstroke While Exercising Outdoors
by Marnie Bii June 19th, 2024| Mind & BodyWith hundreds of deaths per year attributed to heatstroke, the warning bears repeating. Memorize common symptoms of heatstroke and act fast to treat yourself if you are feeling unwell. If left untreated, heat stroke can land

Quiet Your Inner Voice to Improve Your Body Image
by Marnie Bii April 10th, 2024| Mind & BodyIf you cannot calm and quiet your inner voice, you may be your own worst enemy. Negative reactions to your image in a mirror or photograph can instantly derail your efforts to achieve self-acceptance. Even if

Revamping Health at Every Size Movement
by Marnie Bii June 1st, 2023| Inspiration, Mind & Body
The health at every size movement may be projecting the wrong message at this time. Although body acceptance is important, staying in the obese range can lead to a myriad of health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. Underweight individuals also face health risks, such as vitamin deficiencies and