
Keep your Kids Fit by Going on a Safari!

by Melissa | May 13th, 2008 | Family Fitness

Spring fever is here, and with it, unpredictable weather. My kids seem to be bouncing off the walls with energy, and if it’s a cold or rainy day outside, they tend to spend their energy on…um…unproductive activities. (No, I don’t like the green squiggles all over my pretty white cupboards!)safari

If it’s windy or cold outside, it’s a perfect time for a safari – indoors, that is. All you need is room to move around and a good imagination. If you have some fun dress-ups or zany hats, your kids can dress for the occasion, but it can be just as fun to wear an imaginary safari hat or elephant ears.

Announce to your children that they’ll be going on a safari. They will see lots of different animals, and on this trip, sometimes they might change into an animal!

One person will be the tour guide. This person will point out interesting sites during the journey along with any animals that will cross their paths – and there will be many. When the tour guide calls out an animal, such as, “Look out for the tigers!” everyone turns into a tiger and walks around on all fours until the tour guide finds another animal.

Don’t forget to use your imagination when going on a safari. Your kids might start to giggle if you tell them to watch out for the snails or chickens on their trip. There is not one right way to act like a certain animal – this is where imagination comes into play. Don’t forget to let your child have a turn at being the tour guide – it’s great fun watching mom or dad slithering like a snake.

Here are some fun animals to “encounter” on your safari:

  • Giraffes
  • Lions
  • Hippos
  • Crabs
  • Cows
  • Spiders
  • Jaguars
  • Elephants

When the weather’s warm and the sky is blue, take your safari outside for a different adventure!

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