
Archives for beach


Workout at the Beach!

by Mackenzie M. January 22nd, 2013| Cardio, Outdoor
Even though most of the country is in the midst of a deep freeze, before long it will be time for a long day out in the sun by the seashore. For those fortunate enough to live near a balmy beach all year round, the sand and

Build Strength at the Beach!

by Jessica B. April 2nd, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
The weather outside is warming up, so if you live near the coast, it is a great time to move your workout to the beach and really start working your calves and hamstrings, not to mention your heels and ankles. Working out on the beach can be revitalizing and

Running on the Beach

by Angela Yorke March 1st, 2012| Running
On the off chance you’ve run out of things to do on your beach holiday, or, more realistically, believe you’ve been eating too much, try going for a run on the beach first thing in the morning. Aside from the opportunity to enjoy a sunrise in relative solitude, it’s

Running Surfaces

by Louise March 22nd, 2011| Running
What you run on is important. Each surface affects your form in a different way. Densely packed surfaces can be hard on joints, while more “giving” surfaces can be hard on certain muscle groups. The stress from the impact falls in different areas. All surfaces have pros and cons.


All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.