
Archives for beginning

Making Exercise a Habit (Not a Chore)

by Angela Yorke May 31st, 2012| Exercises
As anyone “on hiatus” from the gym would attest, it’s immensely easy to start an exercise routine. The difficulty lies in sustaining it long enough to reap the results. Exercise can be simple, but hardly easy. Indeed, most people would find the couch infinitely preferable to yet another session

Tips for the Finish Line

by Mackenzie M. May 14th, 2012| Running
Half the battle of running a race, or running in general, is a mental one. Several magazines, websites, and coaches all fervently claim that the best way to run faster, or to finish a race with flying colors, is to develop a mental attitude that allows the body to

Join Me in the Couch to 5K

by Jessica B. May 10th, 2012| Cardio, Running
I have a confession to make: I’ve gotten a little lazy. I used to live at the gym and workout religiously. And then life got in the way. I started going a little less, and a little less. These days I am happy if I make it a few

Too Fat to Lose Weight?

by Angela Yorke March 29th, 2012| Cardio
Weight gain can be a vicious cycle. You might start out in reasonably good shape, but lead a largely sedentary lifestyle. If you work out once a week, it becomes easy to give in to the notion that you can eat anything you want (and in any amount) just

New Year’s Yoga Resolution?

by Denise Druce January 11th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Here we are again, the gyms are full of folks with great intentions and new resolutions. In looking at the research, I learned that almost half of American adults make resolutions each new year. Among the top New Year's resolutions are promises to lose weight and exercise, and this year,

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.