
Archives for cellulite

hot pants

Workout Wear That Helps You Lose Weight?

by Kimberly Hays February 4th, 2013| Exercise Wear
It may sound like science fiction, but a company called Zaggora released their ‘hot pants’ in 2011. They sold close to 300,00 pairs in less than five months. They claim that these pants hold in heat; this causes the wearer to lose weight as well as cellulite. They increase

Getting into the Cycle of Things

by Chang Song June 9th, 2011| Biking, Exercises
In almost all sports, the participants are sure to get plenty of healthy benefits from participation; however, cycling is one of the more beneficial sports out there. In fact, cycling is one of the best forms of exercise according to many fitness experts.

Although cycling is a sport of vast

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.