
Archives for variety


Breaking Monotony: Intervals for Runners

by Louise January 23rd, 2013| Fitness Expert
Imagine the following scenario. You've been tallying up the miles on a weekly basis. You enjoy your runs, but the pace is starting to bore you. You want to pick up the pace, but think it would compromise the length of the run. Your race times have

A Good Elliptical Workout

by Jessica B. December 18th, 2012| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
Where I live there is a good foot of snow on the ground. Running outdoors is not a very comfortable experience – plus I am terrified of slipping on the black ice that lies below – so I started going to the gym again. Running on a treadmill can

Strength Training Considerations

by Angela Yorke June 11th, 2012| Strength Training
In the interest of pursuing a budget-friendly fitness routine, a person might opt to start training for strength independently of a gym or trainer. In these circumstances, it is important to be aware of the aspects of strength training that can ensure a routine’s longevity.

Unless you are doing a

Mixing it up at the Gym

by Jessica B. February 14th, 2012| Cardio
One of the biggest challenges I have in the winter, when I bring my cardio workout indoors, is keeping things interesting. All too often I end up staring at the TV, watching some bad talk show, tired and unmotivated. My runs don’t improve much time wise and even worse,

Tennis Drills for Cardio Fitness

by Angela Yorke January 30th, 2012| Cardio
Although Rafael Nadal’s grip sometimes appears more suited to a Louisville Slugger than the Babolat racquet he uses, the recently concluded Australian Open made me think of forms of aerobic exertion other than “plain” running, cycling, or swimming. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a diehard fitness fanatic, you

Getting Over a Plateau

by Angela Yorke June 23rd, 2011| Cardio
The first few months of a cardio regime are always the best, despite what your aching lungs might tell you in the beginning. Unfortunately, the body has a way of upsetting the best fitness goals by plateauing after a certain period.

There are a few signs that signal that your

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.