
Archives for February 2010

Cardio FIDM

by Joe Lawrence February 23rd, 2010| Cardio
Great cardio programs have four components.  They are: frequency, intensity, duration and mode.  When you put them to work for you, you will have a ticker that keeps on ticking.

First, you need to decide how often you want to work out.  We all have different schedules, and what works

It’s Time to Get Started

by MPK February 18th, 2010| Walking
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should exercise for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.  It sounds simple, doesn't it?  However, there are many excuses:

  • I don't have time.

  • I'm too tired.

  • My life is too stressful already.

  • I don't have the correct equipment.

  • I don't have time to

Food as Fuel

by Bea February 16th, 2010| Eating Tips
We all know that what you eat affects your athletic performance. It seems like common knowledge that eating a diet based on potato chips and soda is not going to get you very far-- although I have seen an athlete win medals on a Pop-Tart and chocolate milk diet.

One Can Equal Three

by MPK February 11th, 2010| Exercises, Strength Training
No, that is not a math equation, nor is it a typographical error.  It's a simple way to expand your exercise regimen.

A while ago we posted an article about muscle confusion.  Simply put, if you continue to do the same exercises, they become less effective.  However, the idea of

5 Ab Exercises

by Louise February 9th, 2010| Exercises, Strength Training
Here on My Fitness Tunes, we have mentioned ab workouts in several of our articles. Developing core strength is essential in order for you to improve your performance in just about anything. Many ab workouts stress different ideas. 5 Minute Abs requires you to perform ten different

Barefeet May Spare Feet

by Bea February 2nd, 2010| Running
A recent article in the Boston Globe re-sparked my interest in the benefits of running barefoot.

On January 28th, 2010,  new research was published about the study of running barefoot that is being led by Harvard scientists. This research showed that people who run with minimal shoes or barefoot usually land

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.