So You Can’t Afford the Apple Watch?

by Jessica B. | May 7th, 2015 | Accessories, Technology

apple logo (400x400)This week marks the launch of the Apple watch. Record numbers of people signed up to order the watch which has yet to be officially released, and they are all hoping it will turn up as announced and not face serious delays as the iPhone frequently does. But the watch is expensive, and already has a long waiting list, and reviews are emphasizing that this is a product for early adaptors and not folks looking for long-term products. So are there alternatives?

Of course. The Apple watch is not as revolutionary as the original IPhone. There is a lot of competition already out there on the market. Here are a few cheaper alternatives you may want to consider.

Garmin Vivoactive – As a runner, I’ve owned a lot of Garmin products over the years. They make great devices that track your runs and activity without intruding. That is what put this device on my radar. This is a great little device if you are an active person hoping to use your smart watch primarily for your workouts. But don’t feel restricted. This device is also a watch and can help you check your email and links to your phone. It is great if you switch from running to biking, as the watch seamlessly monitors both. It can even be worn while swimming, so if you are planning on training for a triathlon, this is for you.

Samsung Gear Live – Samsung and Apple are bitter rivals, and that is a good reason to keep an eye on what Samsung is working on. One big advantage with this device is that you don’t need a compatible smart phone to make the most of its functionality. It runs on any Android phone. The initial Samsung watch launched almost a year ago, so you can also count on the fact that the company has learned and evolved a bit since the initial launch.

Sony Smartband – This band is significantly cheaper than the other options out there, and it does not look quite as flashy as many of the alternatives, but it is a lot of bang for your buck. The best part about this band is that it is lightweight and therefore comfortable. If you don’t want something big and clunky this is for you. While this band does not have so many bells and whistles, the functionality is there. And that is what you should prioritize in an exercise monitor watch.

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