
Archives for pregnancy


Exercising and Pregnancy

by James Maynard March 8th, 2013| Exercises
Exercising is important for everyone, and although women who are expecting a little one should be especially careful when choosing which exercises in which to partake, it is still a healthy choice to remain active. In this video, we learn several exercise tips that can be help guide expectant

Fitness in Pregnancy

by Angela Yorke October 17th, 2011| Exercises
Did you hear about the woman who gave birth shortly after she completed the Chicago Marathon? Amber Miller began to feel sporadic contractions during the run, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl shortly after completing the 26.2 miles.

A lot of people fell over themselves to decry

Running while Pregnant

by Bea July 6th, 2010| Family Fitness, Running
I recently saw an article about Working Out While Pregnant and because I am a runner, I was curious to find out more about running while pregnant. No, I am not thinking of becoming pregnant anytime in the near future and no, the following pieces of advice do

Working Out While Pregnant

by Jenn McD. June 8th, 2010| Exercises
There is a lot of uncertainty out there when it comes to being pregnant. One of the numerous things that a woman must worry about is staying in shape and being healthy. According to health experts, it is okay for a woman to exercise while pregnant, but she must

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.