
Archives for 80/20 rule

Finding Your Motivation to Move – Part 1

by Melissa Koerner September 5th, 2012| Fitness Expert

When all you feel like doing is channel surfing, try these strategies to perk up your enthusiasm to exercise.   They are sure to get you off the couch!

Ditch the All or Nothing Mindset

Does this scenario sound familiar?  You set the goal to exercise three days per week. You do

10 Get Fit Commandments – Part Two

by Melissa Koerner June 20th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Last month, Melissa outlined the first five commandments to follow to achieve health and vitality. Read on to learn the rest of her top ten list!

6.    Thou Shalt Drink 50% of Thy Body Weight in Ounces Daily.

Our bodies are designed to use water - not soda, energy

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.