
Archives for peanut butter


Healthy Snacks for Kids

by R. Carnavale February 1st, 2013| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
Snacks provide one third of a caloric intake, so how about making your children’s snacks appetizing and healthy? Growing children and teens need nutritious food to grow, become strong, and stay healthy. Processed, pre-packaged foods like potato chips, fruit snacks, and cookies tend to be calorie rich and nutrient

Foods to Improve Cardio Health

by Angela Yorke May 21st, 2012| Cardio
We’ve all heard the saying “food is fuel.” Beyond providing the basic amount of energy needed to sustain coherent thought and sober movement throughout the day, food can also help sustain your performance during a cardiovascular workout.

No “magic bullet” food item instantly boosts cardiovascular fitness; in the world of

Healthy Sources of Fat

by Louise February 21st, 2012| Eating Tips
Various sources will recommend that runners get 20-30% of their daily caloric intake from fat, but where should that fat come from? We know that trans fat and saturated fats are bad for us, so where can we get the good fat? Here are a few ideas for healthy

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.