
Archives for carbohydrates


Portable Protein

by Louise October 23rd, 2013| Fitness Expert
You've probably heard that after a hard run or workout you should be looking to replenish your body with foods as soon as possible. You've probably also heard that the best foods are the ones that have the golden 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein. For that reason, low

The Best Bar

by Louise October 5th, 2012| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
Everyone wants to know - what's the best bar out there? It's a frequently asked question that's truly impossible to answer. The most reasonable answer: it depends. I promise, I'm not trying to take the easy way out by saying that it depends on your preferences (though it does);

Are We What We Eat?

by Joan Jacobsen July 25th, 2012| Fitness Expert, Nutrition
One should never assume that being physically active alone is the solution when living a fit and healthy lifestyle. Oh contraire, we must add nutrition into the mix to continue following the path of good health. Just because we exercise 30 minutes a day, does not mean we can

Foods to Improve Cardio Health

by Angela Yorke May 21st, 2012| Cardio
We’ve all heard the saying “food is fuel.” Beyond providing the basic amount of energy needed to sustain coherent thought and sober movement throughout the day, food can also help sustain your performance during a cardiovascular workout.

No “magic bullet” food item instantly boosts cardiovascular fitness; in the world of

Recovery Drinks

by Louise December 26th, 2011| Eating Tips
First and foremost, water is the fuel that I will always recommend after exercise. I don't see that changing in the future. For endurance exercise, athletes will need a bit of extra fuel; then, the refueling beverages of choice are water and low fat chocolate milk (which is both

What to Eat After Exercising

by Louise November 15th, 2011| Eating Tips
Many people ask about what's best to eat before a workout. Perhaps the equally (and some may even argue more) important question, which seems to be addressed less frequently is, what should we eat after a workout?

When exercising, your body turns to its glycogen stores as its primary,

Eating and Cardio

by Angela Yorke November 7th, 2011| Cardio
There was an interesting article about diets in the paper today. The Paleo diet was mentioned, as was the raw food movement. The reporter interviewed a school friend named Linda,* a personal trainer who follows the Paleo diet and whom was described as a fitness enthusiast (a bit like

Food as Fuel

by Bea February 16th, 2010| Eating Tips
We all know that what you eat affects your athletic performance. It seems like common knowledge that eating a diet based on potato chips and soda is not going to get you very far-- although I have seen an athlete win medals on a Pop-Tart and chocolate milk diet.

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.