
Archives for class

Emotional Reactions in Yoga Class

by Denise Druce March 14th, 2012| Fitness Expert
You made it to class early enough to find your spot on the right side of the room. You have just finished an amazing flow with your favorite yoga teacher. As class is winding down and you come into bridge pose, from out of nowhere tears fill your eyes

Mixing it up at the Gym

by Jessica B. February 14th, 2012| Cardio
One of the biggest challenges I have in the winter, when I bring my cardio workout indoors, is keeping things interesting. All too often I end up staring at the TV, watching some bad talk show, tired and unmotivated. My runs don’t improve much time wise and even worse,

More Advice Before Your First Yoga Class

by MPK June 1st, 2011| Yoga
These tips for your first yoga class are courtesy of Christine Northcote, Owner/Director of Full Circle Yoga.

There are a TON of styles of yoga.You could try to break down the different styles, but there is SO much interpretation among studios as to how they teach those styles, that

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.