
Archives for feet

Running in a Winter Wonderland

by Mackenzie M. December 27th, 2011| Running
As an avid runner, I find the frigid winter winds and brisk air anything but motivators for going on a long run, if any run at all. In Louisiana, it rarely dips below 50 degrees, but I currently find myself in the frigid North, where running in winter can

My Feet Are Numb

by Bea May 26th, 2011| Walking
When it comes to exploring new cities, I would be someone you may not want to travel with. I want to see everything, so stopping to sit makes me antsy. Though I don't mind sitting down after a hike or to take in the scenery, stopping every hour and
running shoes

Choosing Running Shoes

by Bea November 3rd, 2009| Running
When I was little my mom would lead me to the clearance section or to wherever the markdown shoes were, and I would pick out the best looking shoes that were my size. What brand they were did not matter to me, how the support was incorporated did not even

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