
Archives for menopause

Yoga on the Front Lines

by Denise Druce April 11th, 2012| Fitness Expert
We’re fighting a battle. Let me give you a few of the grim statistics about us, you and me, my fellow Americans.

1) Stress. We’re the most stressed out population on planet earth: 77% (that’s three quarters!) of Americans experience physical and psychological symptoms related to stress in a given month

I Lost My Estrogen and Gained What?

by Joan Jacobsen September 28th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Why is it that women receive the short end of the stick in the aging process? Is it fair that besides losing our precious estrogen, we have to gain something that we don’t want? Okay my bitterness is over; I’m ready to take on my waistline. Whining doesn’t work.

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.