
Archives for organic

Eat This NOT That! Part 1

by Melissa Koerner October 3rd, 2012| Nutrition
This is the first installment of a two part series on optimal food choices throughout the day. Check back in two weeks for afternoon nutrition tips.

It’s no wonder people are so confused about how to eat right these days!  I recently found a meal plan in a “health” magazine

Guilt-Free Sweet Treats – Part 1

by Melissa Koerner July 4th, 2012| Nutrition
This is the first in a two part series on guilt-free desserts.  Check back for more delicious recipes!

Every now and then I like to indulge in something sweet, but I don't like to eat your typical store bought desserts; they are loaded with sugar and other chemicals I just

10 Get Fit Commandments – Part One

by Melissa Koerner June 6th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Don’t be alarmed; this is not a religious post, but these are the very commandments that I live by and believe in. If you apply these simple “rules,” you can achieve amazing health and vitality!

1. Thou Shalt ONLY Eat Ingredients That Thy Can Pronounce.
Food processing companies add thousands of

Organic Nourishment

by Sarah Harris February 15th, 2012| Nutrition
Many of my clients come to me to improve their health and well-being. A great start for most would be making the switch to eating whole unadulterated and organic foods. Many of my clients get the whole foods part but have a hard time understanding why they should pay

A Happy, Clean, and Energized 2012

by Sarah Harris January 18th, 2012| Nutrition
Have the holiday festivities left you feeling tired, sluggish, irritable, and generally flat? Not to mention, are you having a hard time fitting into your clothes? It’s that time of year again, and the good times may have left us with a toxic build up that sits like lead

Staying Fit with Diet

by Sarah Harris November 16th, 2011| Nutrition
As a Holistic Health and Fitness Consultant, people tend to ask me how I keep in shape. I witness them eagerly expecting to hear about my secret workout regime or the latest fat-gobbling exercise trends. Their face quickly changes to disappointment, when I mention that even though it’s important

Tips for Juicing

by Heather Duchan August 25th, 2011| Eating Tips
Juicing and juice fasts have long been used by those on the fringe of health communities. Many juicing enthusiasts tout benefits, including more energy, mental clarity, weight loss, and reversal of illness and disease. There are many theories behind these benefits as well.

Cooking foods, even lightly, reduces nutrients. By

Try Seasonal Eating

by Chang Song May 6th, 2011| Eating Tips
In May, during the glorious season of spring, many people restart their exercise regimens and begin new diets as they look forward to the summer. Getting into shape is easier if you incorporate the right seasonal foods into your diet. The combination of eating right and exercising will help

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.