
Archives for December 2009

Shape Up

by Bea December 28th, 2009| Exercise Equipment, Walking
You probably have seen the commercials or the newspaper advertisements for those funny looking Sketchers. With their clumsy and clunky appearance I could have guessed that the shoe I saw in the ad belonged to Sketchers, but what they have done now is even funkier than any shoe they have

Three’s a Charm

by Joe Lawrence December 23rd, 2009| Strength Training
The New Year is around the corner, and your workout routine just might need to be revamped. When it comes to fitness, there are three main areas to use to evaluate the type of routine you are using. Evaluate yours and see where you may need to balance things.

Depending on

Crack Open Your Six Pack

by Joe Lawrence December 16th, 2009| Eating Tips, Exercises, Strength Training
Everyone wants a flat stomach or the famous six pack abs.  The problem is most people do not do the right things to get them.  Hopefully, I will give you some ideas to steer you in the right direction.

First off, I want to say that I personally do not feel

Types of Stretching

by Bea December 9th, 2009| Exercises
I used to think that there were two forms of stretching-- dynamic and static. I was told that dynamic stretching was better for you and that you should only do static stretching if you were extremely warmed up. However, that is only what I was taught. Here is some more

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.