
Archives for breathing


Breath of Fire

by Denise Druce February 13th, 2013| Fitness Expert
A student recently asked me about the breathing exercise that makes you sweat. I had to clarify, “you mean Breath of Fire, right?” She said she had been told by a yoga teacher that there was a breathing technique that makes you sweat. You don’t need to do any

Three Hats

by Denise Druce October 17th, 2012| Fitness Expert

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop ~Mother Theresa

Donna wakes up to the blaring alarm at 4:30am.  She laces on her running shoes and heads out the door to

Yoga for Runners

by Denise Druce September 12th, 2012| Fitness Expert
I did an informal poll today in a yoga class, and I learned that about half of my students consider themselves runners.  Some are just trying it out for the first time, and some are training for their ump-teenth marathon.  I can’t say enough about the benefits of yoga

The Art of Breathing

by Denise Druce June 14th, 2012| Fitness Expert

"When the Breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the Breath is still, so is the mind still." - Hatha Yoga Pradipika

If you're breathing and you are aware that you are breathing, you're doing yoga.  You’re practicing Pranayama.  It’s that simple.  Pranayama is a sanskrit word

Yoga for Cyclists

by Denise Druce February 8th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Today, in a training course for indoor cycle instructors, I realized that I had made my 10th remark about (and sales pitch for) the benefits of yoga for cyclists.  If you’re logging a lot of miles in the saddle, and aren’t balancing out your workouts with yoga, read on. 

In Flight Yoga

by Denise Druce November 9th, 2011| Fitness Expert
As I sit on a plane, headed for someplace sunny and warm, I think what an uncomfortable and unhealthy experience I, and my fellow travelers, are having. So, I decide to do something about it. In flight yoga - no mat required. Here are ten easy exercises you can

Reach the Glass

by Denise Druce August 10th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Very often, our best lessons are learned from the warriors in our life who are fighting the most difficult battles. Recently I attended a meeting for people with MS, and heard an inspiring story. Abby, a beautiful woman who has struggled with Multiple Sclerosis for many years, talked of

Ready to Run

by TJ Davis September 30th, 2010| Running
Exercise is essential to good health, and one of the most popular forms of exercise is running. Running is one of the best cardio workouts you can give your body. It increases heart rate, improves blood flow, and enhances delivery of oxygen to muscles. It also tones your muscles
running shoes sneaker

Power Up Your Heart

by TJ Davis September 23rd, 2010| Cardio
Every effective workout includes an aerobic factor. Increasing your heart rate is essential to the overall goals of achieving improved fitness and weight loss. There are all kinds of activities that can provide a cardio boost, but the one that most everyone can do 'most anywhere at 'most any

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.