
Archives for obesity

Yoga on the Front Lines

by Denise Druce April 11th, 2012| Fitness Expert
We’re fighting a battle. Let me give you a few of the grim statistics about us, you and me, my fellow Americans.

1) Stress. We’re the most stressed out population on planet earth: 77% (that’s three quarters!) of Americans experience physical and psychological symptoms related to stress in a given month

Too Fat to Lose Weight?

by Angela Yorke March 29th, 2012| Cardio
Weight gain can be a vicious cycle. You might start out in reasonably good shape, but lead a largely sedentary lifestyle. If you work out once a week, it becomes easy to give in to the notion that you can eat anything you want (and in any amount) just

Smarter Way to Avoid Obesity

by Chang Song October 21st, 2010| Eating Tips
For the past several years, people have begun to realize that the United States has several noticeable issues. From its down-sloping economy to its unbelievable amount of reality shows on TV, the United States has its hands full, to say the least. But one of rather alarming issues is

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.