
Archives for pain

Strength Train to Relieve Back Pain

by Mackenzie M. June 19th, 2012| Strength Training
According to WebMD, about 25% of Americans are affected by back pain every year, and “they spend more time at the doctor’s office for back pain than for any other medical condition except high blood pressure and diabetes.”

To help get rid of this problem, many leading neuromuscular specialists are

Shin Splint Pain

by Bea April 23rd, 2012| Walking
Have you ever had a pain in your shins that feels like it's ripping vertically through your shin? If you answered  yes, then you probably know what shin splints feel like.

Many people get shin splint pain when they first start a new walking program. I don't just mean a

Myths on Strength Training

by Angela Yorke December 29th, 2011| Strength Training
Misconceptions about strength training abound even in this age of freely available information. I find it incredible that the following myths are still floating around.

The very young and the very old should stay away from strength training. Strength training is believed to be detrimental to children’s growth, while it

Walking in Heels

by Bea December 8th, 2011| Walking
Are you stuck wearing heels to work or for another commitment? Don’t worry, that only means that you will be putting yourself in a position to exercise. I must put a disclaimer out there that heels are not typically good for your feet. They can give you shin splints

Yoga: Enjoy the Little Things

by Denise Druce July 13th, 2011| Fitness Expert
An amazing thing happened today. I held my son’s pet rat Spike, who was taking his last breaths. I was never a fan of rats, until my boys begged to bring one home. And being a lover of all things furry, I was converted. What was really amazing about

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.