
Archives for posture

A Leaner, More Limber You

by Melissa Koerner November 21st, 2012| Fitness Expert
There’s a big misconception that stretching is only for people who workout or people who are athletes.  And many people who do workout, don’t see the benefits of stretching.

If you think that stretching is a waste of your time, I encourage you to keep reading, because EVERONE benefits from

The Importance of Form

by Jessica B. September 21st, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
When working on building strength in the lower body, you really need to keep an eye on form at all times. If you ignore form and rush exercises, you could end up injuring your legs and making it more difficult for you to continue your exercise routine. Here are

Walking Posture

by Bea July 19th, 2012| Walking
So you have been walking for a while, but you can’t seem to pick up the pace. What do you do? I am sure that you have tried a variety of motivators, such as trying to keep to a certain pace or listening to upbeat music, but there are

Running on the Beach

by Angela Yorke March 1st, 2012| Running
On the off chance you’ve run out of things to do on your beach holiday, or, more realistically, believe you’ve been eating too much, try going for a run on the beach first thing in the morning. Aside from the opportunity to enjoy a sunrise in relative solitude, it’s

Walking Posture

by Bea January 3rd, 2012| Walking
In order to get some quality walks in, you do need to have good posture. Walking hunched over, or putting too much pressure in the wrong places, may actually do more harm than good.

First and foremost, stand up straight. You may think that this is trivial, but that's because

Yoga for a Strong Back

by Denise Druce June 17th, 2011| Fitness Expert
These tips for a strong back are courtesy of Denise Druce, a registered yoga teacher who holds a Master's Degree in Public Health.

It’s estimated that approximately 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time (1). Experts estimate that as many as 80% of the US population

Running Form: Part One

by Louise November 30th, 2010| Running
How do you know if you are running as efficiently as possible? The key is proper running form and mechanics. Naturally, there are many different running styles. Every person is built differently; therefore, every person has a unique stride. However, there are many aspects of form and mechanics that

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.