
Archives for recommendations

Are We What We Eat?

by Joan Jacobsen July 25th, 2012| Fitness Expert, Nutrition
One should never assume that being physically active alone is the solution when living a fit and healthy lifestyle. Oh contraire, we must add nutrition into the mix to continue following the path of good health. Just because we exercise 30 minutes a day, does not mean we can

Walk a Mile in Your Own Shoes

by Joan Jacobsen April 25th, 2012| Fitness Expert
I never realized or imagined that a pair of good athletic shoes would make a stunning difference with performance, comfort, and even confidence. I also never imagined that the most difficult part of making that ultimate choice would become a very tedious effort. Unfortunately, there are so many options

The Importance of Hydration

by Carlo Celotti March 7th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Although we keep hearing different values for what percentage of the human body is water, one thing is certain...your body is more water than anything else. That in and of itself should tell you how important it is to drink water frequently and stay hydrated, but I'll give you a few more

Healthy Sources of Fat

by Louise February 21st, 2012| Eating Tips
Various sources will recommend that runners get 20-30% of their daily caloric intake from fat, but where should that fat come from? We know that trans fat and saturated fats are bad for us, so where can we get the good fat? Here are a few ideas for healthy

Sleeping is Not the Enemy

by Joan Jacobsen January 25th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Being dubbed the Senior Fitness Specialist here at My Fitness Tunes hopefully does not conjure up visions of your former school gym teacher who happened to be matronly and a stern representative of how physical fitness should be cultivated in your impressionable minds. On the contrary, the definition of

Meeting Cardio Exercise Guidelines

by Heather Duchan October 27th, 2011| Cardio
A number of institutions, including the American Heart Association, provide guidelines for healthy living. They advise that adults should get regular cariovasular exercise. Most of these guidelines recommend that adults participate in moderately intense cardio exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, for five days a week. Moderately

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.