
Archives for rest


Train: MMA Fighter Style

by Mackenzie M. March 5th, 2013| Lower Body, Strength Training
MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighters carry an incredible amount of strength in their lower bodies, but still remain agile enough to out maneuver their opponents in a fight. While their training to build up their lower body muscles is very tough, many of their key lessons can be applied

Finding Your Motivation to Move – Part 2

by Melissa Koerner September 19th, 2012| Fitness Expert
This is the second installment in a two part series from Melissa.

Revamp Your Goals

Setting goals is very important when you embark on a journey to improve your health and fitness, but setting goals that are weight-focused will inevitably lead to a pattern of on again off again exercise habits. 

Don’t Fear High Intensity

by Angela Yorke April 16th, 2012| Strength Training
Building strength the “traditional” way may prove to be a bane for those with an impatient streak. Happily, high-intensity strength training offers an alternative to the tedious repetition that can feature in strength-building workouts. It’s also something to try if you feel that you’ve hit a wall and can’t

Do You Need a Heart Rate Monitor?

by Angela Yorke December 5th, 2011| Cardio
If you watched any part of this year’s Rugby World Cup that concluded in October, you would have noticed that some New Zealand players wore a black band around their chest. Rather than being a form of body armor, these were, of course, heart rate monitors (HRM).

As the name

Recovery After Strength Training

by Angela Yorke November 4th, 2011| Strength Training
The same commitment you bring to strength training sessions should also be carried into the recovery period that follows. Most of the time, people forget that physical exertion causes “injury” to muscles. Accordingly, muscles that have healed adequately from injury are stronger and last longer, i.e., you gain strength

Mistakes in Strength Training

by Angela Yorke October 6th, 2011| Strength Training
Strength training is a component you cannot neglect if you aim to build overall fitness. For most people, strength training involves a few hours in the weight room weekly, while others prefer isometrics. Whatever your choice of strength building routine, it’s important to avoid making mistakes that could hamper

Strength Training: Doing It Right

by Angela Yorke July 15th, 2011| Strength Training
Modern man is constantly prodded to do more, and do it better than everyone else. As such, it’s no surprise that most people throw themselves into a strength-training regimen, only to have to stop soon after to recuperate from injury.

Images of relaxed-looking athletes bench-pressing 150 lbs are nothing new, and

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.