
Archives for alzheimer’s

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Superfood Review: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

by Kimberly Hays February 12th, 2013| Diet Strategy, Superfoods
Coconut oil used to be thought of as an unhealthy oil to cook with because of its high fat content. In recent years, however, studies have proven that theory wrong over and over. Extra virgin coconut oil, though it is 90% fat, is different from animal fats. It is

Unexpected Exercise Benefits

by Angela Yorke June 10th, 2011| Exercises
Better muscle tone, greater strength, more endurance, and weight loss are what we expect from consistent exercise. There are also a few other benefits from exercising that few people imagine.

One unexpected benefit of exercise is how pain-free your life becomes. The nagging pain and joint soreness that you used

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.