
Archives for body


Train: MMA Fighter Style

by Mackenzie M. March 5th, 2013| Lower Body, Strength Training
MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighters carry an incredible amount of strength in their lower bodies, but still remain agile enough to out maneuver their opponents in a fight. While their training to build up their lower body muscles is very tough, many of their key lessons can be applied

Aerobics and Lower Body Strength

by Jessica B. November 16th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
If you are getting tired of doing routine leg lifts and using machines to target your lower body, there are plenty of classes available at most gyms that can help your lower body muscles while working to build your cardio. Recent studies have shown that combining these forms of

Mistakes When Doing Cardio

by Angela Yorke August 14th, 2012| Cardio
Whether out of ignorance or something learned from others, we sometimes adopt habits that are inexplicable and that can be detrimental to cardio health.

It’s not uncommon to see someone “powering up” before a cardio session with an energy bar. Sometimes, a person “keeps themselves going” with an energy drink

Emotional Reactions in Yoga Class

by Denise Druce March 14th, 2012| Fitness Expert
You made it to class early enough to find your spot on the right side of the room. You have just finished an amazing flow with your favorite yoga teacher. As class is winding down and you come into bridge pose, from out of nowhere tears fill your eyes

Vegan Bodybuilding

by Bea January 10th, 2012| Strength Training
When you think about a bodybuilder, you probably picture a bulky, vein-popping person who drinks protein shakes all day. You probably see them as meat eaters who spend more time at the gym than a person should.

It is okay to have that thought in your head; many bodybuilders are

Ballet to Build Lower Body Strength

by Jessica B. December 15th, 2011| Lower Body, Strength Training
As a runner, strong calves and a strong lower body are a necessity. You might think that running alone is enough to build a strong lower body, but there are plenty of simple, at home exercises you can do which will increase your strength and stamina while out on

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.