
Archives for calories

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Exploring the Hacker’s Diet in Detail

by Marnie Bii March 3rd, 2015| Diet Plans, Healthy Eating
The Hacker's Diet breaks down the weight loss and maintenance process in formulaic steps that are easy for anyone to understand. Technologically minded individuals enjoy the ability to use spreadsheets and graphs to create a plan and track progress. Everyone else appreciates the way this diet plan breaks down

The Fiber 35 Diet

by Kimberly Hays March 28th, 2013| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy
The Fiber 35 Diet was developed by Brenda Watson. It appears to be a difficult diet when you first start, but if you can stick with it, you can lose 8 pounds in the first month, and then an additional pound each week thereafter. It offers a free membership

Breakfast is for Champions

by Joan Jacobsen September 26th, 2012| Fitness Expert
In all the gym joints in all the towns, in all the world, they all appear to all have one message: EAT BREAKFAST! Yes, this seems to be a universal slogan that does prove to be the best advice when nutrition comes into play. Studies show that besides controlling

Mistakes When Doing Cardio

by Angela Yorke August 14th, 2012| Cardio
Whether out of ignorance or something learned from others, we sometimes adopt habits that are inexplicable and that can be detrimental to cardio health.

It’s not uncommon to see someone “powering up” before a cardio session with an energy bar. Sometimes, a person “keeps themselves going” with an energy drink

Eat Like an Olympian! Or Not…

by Louise August 7th, 2012| Eating Tips
If you ate like an Olympic athlete, would you be in better shape?

While it sounds like a vaguely plausible question at first, it actually doesn't lend itself to a particularly useful answer. First of all, there are twenty-six different sports included in the 2012 Summer Olympics.

There is archery, athletics,

Energy Bars: Ladies’ Choice

by Louise April 17th, 2012| Eating Tips
Did you know that there several energy bars made specifically for women?

The leading name in this special sector of energy bars is the LUNA Bar. Normally, going with big "brand names" isn't the smartest way to go as far as nutrition is concerned, but the story is a bit

Healthy Sources of Fat

by Louise February 21st, 2012| Eating Tips
Various sources will recommend that runners get 20-30% of their daily caloric intake from fat, but where should that fat come from? We know that trans fat and saturated fats are bad for us, so where can we get the good fat? Here are a few ideas for healthy


by Bea February 7th, 2012| Diet Plans
A team of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute researchers believe to have found a natural hormone that triggers some of the key health benefits of exercise. They think that this muscle cell hormone serves as a chemical message that could treat diabetes, obesity, and more.

Researchers have found that exercising seems to

Myths on Strength Training

by Angela Yorke December 29th, 2011| Strength Training
Misconceptions about strength training abound even in this age of freely available information. I find it incredible that the following myths are still floating around.

The very young and the very old should stay away from strength training. Strength training is believed to be detrimental to children’s growth, while it

Running with Wrinkles

by Joan Jacobsen November 23rd, 2011| Fitness Expert
Have you ever considered yourself a runner? Have you ever sprinted, jogged, or galloped by hitting the road, pavement, or track with your sneakers? It may have been years (and years) since you've run; however, you took that first step with a pair of running shoes and that translates

I Lost My Estrogen and Gained What?

by Joan Jacobsen September 28th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Why is it that women receive the short end of the stick in the aging process? Is it fair that besides losing our precious estrogen, we have to gain something that we don’t want? Okay my bitterness is over; I’m ready to take on my waistline. Whining doesn’t work.

Bike Your Way to Cardio Health

by Heather Duchan August 1st, 2011| Biking
Who needs a gym when you can purchase one piece of equipment for under $100 that will improve your cardio fitness, build muscle tone, and get you where you need to go? Although a gym has its advantages, air-conditioning being one, a bike is an awesome way to get

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.