
Archives for exercise

Getting Off Your BUT

by TJ Davis June 3rd, 2010| Exercises
You should exercise. You know that, intellectually. But what if you have a debilitating illness that causes you daily pain and limits your mobility? Then you should exercise! People with arthritis can exercise, despite the body’s seemingly endless objections. (You know you should exercise, BUT it hurts too much;

Hula Hooping

by Bea June 1st, 2010| Cardio, Exercise Equipment, Exercises
When I was little I used to have competitions with my sisters to see who could hula hoop the longest. Sometimes we would add in multiple hoops and other times we would use them to "jump rope" with. There were some times when I became bored with my hula

The Importance of Cross Training

by Bea May 20th, 2010| Exercises, Running, Strength Training, Walking
Cross training. Well, what is it? The words should give it away to some degree; cross training means that one would partake in different sports while focusing on their main sport in order to improve overall performance. For instance, some runners cross-train by riding their bike or doing laps

Fighting Pre-teen and Teen Fatigue

by TJ Davis May 4th, 2010| Family Fitness
There are several medical reasons a teenager may become unusually fatigued, mononucleosis and anemia being among them, so if you are a teen facing sudden and excessive fatigue, you should tell your parents and consult a physician right
away. However, if the tiredness you feel comes on gradually you simply

How to Start Running

by Jacob Parzych April 27th, 2010| Cardio, Running
Running is a great way to get into shape, and a fairly simple way.  It doesn't require much and can be done anywhere.  As a runner, I have provided some tips for people considering it.

  • First of all, before you do anything else, make sure you are in shape to

Exercise Can Be Addictive?

by MPK April 8th, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
When you think of the term addict, what do you picture?  Perhaps it is someone who is addicted to drugs, or maybe it is someone who is a chain smoker.  Regardless, you probably think of someone with an unhealthy habit, not something good for you, such as exercise.  However, some

Proud Influence

by Louise March 16th, 2010| Running
There are many people like you and me, interested in fitness and willing to make the commitment to exercise, but then there is the other side of the spectrum, where people don't mind sitting all day long. We all have friends just like that. What if you could be

Cardio FIDM

by Joe Lawrence February 23rd, 2010| Cardio
Great cardio programs have four components.  They are: frequency, intensity, duration and mode.  When you put them to work for you, you will have a ticker that keeps on ticking.

First, you need to decide how often you want to work out.  We all have different schedules, and what works

It’s Time to Get Started

by MPK February 18th, 2010| Walking
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should exercise for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.  It sounds simple, doesn't it?  However, there are many excuses:

  • I don't have time.

  • I'm too tired.

  • My life is too stressful already.

  • I don't have the correct equipment.

  • I don't have time to

Food as Fuel

by Bea February 16th, 2010| Eating Tips
We all know that what you eat affects your athletic performance. It seems like common knowledge that eating a diet based on potato chips and soda is not going to get you very far-- although I have seen an athlete win medals on a Pop-Tart and chocolate milk diet.

Chin-up bar or gun rack? You decide.

by Joe Lawrence January 20th, 2010| Exercise Equipment, Exercises, Strength Training
Chin-ups are an awesome upper body workout and one of the best exercises to build upper back muscles.  Couple chin-ups with a good push-up plan, and you soon will be selling tickets to the gun show!

I was very excited to get a chin-up bar for Christmas.  I had one

Chocolate Milk

by Bea January 12th, 2010| Eating Tips
After a muscle burning and heart pounding workout, what should you be reaching into your fridge for, as you stand there, drenched with sweat? The answer is simple--chocolate milk.

While some people drink water to hydrate themselves and to keep their muscles from cramping, others turn to sports drinks, such

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.