
Archives for habits

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Mind Over Habit

by Gary Hays January 23rd, 2015| Body & Image, Mind & Body
According to the law of averages it takes 21 days to break a bad habit. Each day someone suppresses flicking their Bic on a fresh new cigarette, or biting chunks out of what’s left of their fingernails, they are 5% closer to achieving their goal of setting themselves free.


Rules to Snack By

by Melissa Koerner August 15th, 2012| Nutrition
Do you know what triggers your snack attacks?  Answer these 5 questions to discover what kind of snacker you are.  Then learn some smart, simple, snacking strategies to eliminate food cravings.

1.  You are most likely to have the desire to snack…

A.  When you are working in front of your

Habits that Jeopardize Fitness

by Angela Yorke February 9th, 2012| Eating Tips
Working short exercise snippets into your daily routine is a good way to get fit without feeling as if you’re making a lot of effort. So is committing to fitness with better eating habits, good food choices, and exercising regularly. Yet, there are bad habits that, unwittingly adopted, can

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.