
Archives for positive

Runner’s High – Not a Given

by Bea April 3rd, 2012| Exercises
Runner's high is a real thing. Chances are, if you have ever finished exercising and you "feel good," or if you feel better than you did before, you were probably experiencing runner's high. If you are interested in learning more about runner's high, there are many articles available, including some

Fill Your Mind with Positive Thoughts

by Joan Jacobsen October 26th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Exercising goes hand in hand with maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. It’s quite apparent to step (pun intended) into the habit of jumping jacks, hula hooping, and running when your mind is set on a healthy fitness regime. What is not that easy on your proverbial climb is

Sustaining a Family Fitness Program

by Angela Yorke August 29th, 2011| Family Fitness
It’s easy enough to plan a family fitness program, and to get everyone interested in it; however, the main challenge is to keep everyone interested. The saying goes that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so you can’t expect a group of couch potatoes to transform into

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.