
Archives for recovery


15 Minute Fat Blasting Circuit

by Melissa Koerner February 20th, 2013| Fitness Expert
Get the maximum fat burning results in the least amount of time with this 15 minute circuit.

With circuit training you rev up your metabolism and put your body in fat blasting mode.  You not only build lean muscle with this style of training, but you boost your cardio respiratory

Muscle Recovery

by Bea February 8th, 2013| Workout Fuel
When it comes to gaining bulk by working out, there are many different foods that will help you get that muscle that you are looking for. While exercising is a great start, your diet greatly affects how effective your workout is. It is important to keep track of what

Strength Training Considerations

by Angela Yorke June 11th, 2012| Strength Training
In the interest of pursuing a budget-friendly fitness routine, a person might opt to start training for strength independently of a gym or trainer. In these circumstances, it is important to be aware of the aspects of strength training that can ensure a routine’s longevity.

Unless you are doing a

Fit Families Improve Home Finances

by Angela Yorke April 9th, 2012| Family Fitness
Getting the family to create and adhere to a fitness program is the first step to a life that is healthier and generally happier. Mood improvement aside, it’s likely that becoming a fitter family will also have a positive impact on your finances.

An unhappy fact about being unhealthy is

When is it too Much Exercise?

by Angela Yorke March 8th, 2012| Exercises
Regular exercise is the key to staying happy and healthy, and it reduces the overall burden of personal healthcare. When it comes to exercising, most people are familiar with the image of a slovenly couch potato courting heart disease and hypertension through lack of physical activity and poor eating

Recovery After Strength Training

by Angela Yorke November 4th, 2011| Strength Training
The same commitment you bring to strength training sessions should also be carried into the recovery period that follows. Most of the time, people forget that physical exertion causes “injury” to muscles. Accordingly, muscles that have healed adequately from injury are stronger and last longer, i.e., you gain strength

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.