
Archives for snacks

Goji Berries!

by Louise November 27th, 2012| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
Did you see the Zits comic this past Sunday? Connie (the mother) calls out, "Dessert time!" Walt (the father) responds with a smile until he is handed his "dessert," which Connie explains is a "spinach-wheatgrass-flaxseed-gojiberry-spirulina-oatmeal-kale-soy smoothie." I guess Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman couldn't resist poking fun at the

The Best Bar

by Louise October 5th, 2012| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
Everyone wants to know - what's the best bar out there? It's a frequently asked question that's truly impossible to answer. The most reasonable answer: it depends. I promise, I'm not trying to take the easy way out by saying that it depends on your preferences (though it does);

Fueling Your Workout

by Bea September 18th, 2012| Workout Fuel
One of the worst things you could do for yourself while exercising is to not have enough fuel to get yourself through your workout. Without properly fueling yourself, you are only harming your workout and tiring out your body. You need the right types of energy, such as carbohydrates,

Hiking with Children

by Angela Yorke July 2nd, 2012| Family Fitness
If you’re thinking about physical activities that would be suitable for the family, you can go on hikes with young children with relative ease - as long as you plan properly for it. The main thing to remember when bringing children on a hike is to not expect to

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.