
Archives for stairs


Clean for Cardio

by Mackenzie M. March 14th, 2013| Cardio
In another article for My Fitness Tunes this week, I wrote about the different ways that doing demanding chores around the home can actually increase upper body strength. This can be used as a workout, especially for older women, who often want to go to the gym,

Train: MMA Fighter Style

by Mackenzie M. March 5th, 2013| Lower Body, Strength Training
MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighters carry an incredible amount of strength in their lower bodies, but still remain agile enough to out maneuver their opponents in a fight. While their training to build up their lower body muscles is very tough, many of their key lessons can be applied

Walking Routine

by Bea October 9th, 2012| Cardio, Walking
There are many basics to getting a cardio workout through walking. One of the most effective ways to do this is to get your heart rate up for a good period amount of time. However, in general, every step that you take is going to burn some calories. To

Using Stairs for a Good Workout

by Jessica B. February 6th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
Some days I just don't make it to the gym, and instead of feeling guilty, I put together this little lower body workout I can do on the stairs.

  1. Warm-up – Strength training is more effective when your muscles are warm. Begin by jogging up and down your stairs five

Stairs Tiring You Out?

by Bea November 10th, 2011| Walking
Have you ever noticed that you can walk and walk and walk without losing your breath, but that walking up four flights of stairs can tire you out so easily? I know that is the case for me. All of my classes are on the fourth floor, and in

Strength Training: Dorm Edition

by Mackenzie M. September 13th, 2011| Strength Training
Last week, I wrote about developing a running habit for the college student. I emphasized the important and positive effects running can have on both your physical and mental health. Continuing with the theme of dorm room fitness, comes the somewhat more difficult task - strength training in college.


Calf Stretches and Strength Exercises

by Louise April 27th, 2011| Exercises, Running, Strength Training
If you ever have ankle, foot, or knee pain (who doesn't?), it may be a result of weak calves. Calves are an overlooked group of muscles. We complain about feeling soreness or tightness in our calves, but we don't always act on these issues. Strong and flexible calves will

Stepping Outside the “Walk”

by Bea March 28th, 2011| Walking
We all know that walking can get you places. Walking can get you from point A to point B, but it can also get you in shape and feeling healthier and happier. Once you have "mastered" the art of plain walking, you can start to make some variations and

Stairs: Your Cardio Friend

by TK December 21st, 2010| Cardio, Exercises
Many people struggle with finding the time and motivation to work in some form of cardio.  Unused treadmills, rowing machines, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines act like the graveyard of people's good intentions to have a cardio exercise program.

It is with this in mind that we posed

Apartment Workout — Stairs

by LJ Dovichi April 12th, 2008| Running
My family and I moved into an apartment on the top floor of a three-story-complex. Out of respect to my neighbors downstairs, I was no longer able to do a cardio home workout because of the noise carrying through the floor. I was able to do the stretching, sit-ups, push-ups,

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.