
Archives for Swimming

Why exercise in the water?

by Bea October 5th, 2010| Exercises
One of the best alternative workouts that you can do for your body is to do exercises in the water. Pool workouts can be some of the best workouts out there and they allow for training with minimal impact on the body. Many people with injuries, even serious ones

When the Weather Gets Hot…

by Bea June 24th, 2010| Running, Sports
This morning I went outside to go for my daily run. I have done my fair share of complaining about running in the heat, but in high school I had my coach to keep me from whining and a training program to stick to. Now that I run for

From Sitting To Swimming A Mile in 6 weeks

by LJ Dovichi March 29th, 2008| Sports
I was put on bed rest when I was pregnant with my son, and long story short, I gained a lot of weight and lost a lot of muscle tone. I had spent 5 months on the couch sitting and wasn't allowed any form of exercise. Then to add insult

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.