
Archives for weather


Cold Weather Walks

by Bea January 29th, 2013| Cardio, Walking
Getting your walking workout in while in the cold weather can prove to be difficult. It is hard to get that right balance in which you are warm enough when you start, but not too hot toward the end. Luckily, you can always take off layers as you walk,

Cool Weather Considerations

by Angela Yorke October 16th, 2012| Exercise Wear
Your choice of clothing is important when you live in a climate where temperatures vary throughout the year. This is not about looking fashionable, of course, but to ensure that an outdoor workout isn’t abruptly cut short by the inability to cope with the weather.

Sun protection measures are well-known

Three Reasons Not to Run

by Mackenzie M. October 2nd, 2012| Cardio, Running
Although there are plenty of reasons to run for cardio exercise, there are also reasons not to run. Aside from the basic excuses of being too tired or lacking motivation, several more substantial reasons are good reasons to skip a day or more of cardio running exercise. Listed below

Bad Weather Exercise Options

by Angela Yorke March 15th, 2012| Family Fitness
Aside from winter, there may be other occasions when it just isn’t feasible to exercise outdoors with your family. For example, you wouldn’t want to brave a torrential downpour when leading the family out on a run, although you might do that if you were out on your own.

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.