
Archives for weight training

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3 Smart Accessories for Increasing Your Gym Game

by Marnie Bii April 30th, 2015| Accessories, Gym Bag
As you work through your routine at the gym, you might notice certain muscle groups feel weak despite gains in adjacent areas. The muscle weakness may reside in muscle groups that do not activate during your normal workout. The most common fail points in this realm are the muscles

High Intensity Weight Training

by Kimberly Hays April 15th, 2013| 15 Minutes or Less, Strength Training
If you would like to cut down your time in the gym and still get great results from your workout, you should try high intensity weight training. This training is supposed to give you excellent results in only 15 minutes a week, but be prepared – this workout is

Weight Training for Beginners

by Kimberly Hays January 21st, 2013| 15 Minutes or Less, Strength Training
It’s a new year, and we have all made resolutions. Many of us have resolved to lose weight and get in shape, and we are determined to stick with it and get results this time around. The trick to sticking with any new routine is to start

Mistakes in Strength Training

by Angela Yorke October 6th, 2011| Strength Training
Strength training is a component you cannot neglect if you aim to build overall fitness. For most people, strength training involves a few hours in the weight room weekly, while others prefer isometrics. Whatever your choice of strength building routine, it’s important to avoid making mistakes that could hamper

Exercise Balls

by Bea February 22nd, 2011| Exercise Equipment, Exercises
I was at the gym the other day when I decided to pick up a binder and take a look at all of the exercises that were put in there. It turned out to be a binder made up of exercises to do with an exercise ball! There were

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.