
Archives for May 2008

Exercise and Breast Cancer

by Erin Steiner May 23rd, 2008| Exercises

Did you know that regular exercise can cut your risk of breast cancer by as much as fifty percent? An article in USA Today states that a study has been done to measure the impact of exercise on the development of breast cancer. The lead researcher on the study,

My First Yoga

by Erin Steiner May 17th, 2008| Yoga

Today I attempted yoga for the first time.

I've been flirting with the idea of doing yoga for a while. The only reason I haven't tried it sooner is, well, my mom does yoga. And the classes are usually expensive. And I'm really self conscious. And I'm about as

Workouts and Toddlers

by LJ Dovichi May 14th, 2008| Walking
When I first had three-feet-of-fun, well after my staples were taken out and I healed from surgery, it was easy to squeeze in home workouts while he took his naps during the day. I'd put him down for a nap and then do a workout video, run on the treadmill,

Keep your Kids Fit by Going on a Safari!

by Melissa May 13th, 2008| Family Fitness

Spring fever is here, and with it, unpredictable weather. My kids seem to be bouncing off the walls with energy, and if it’s a cold or rainy day outside, they tend to spend their energy on…um…unproductive activities. (No, I don’t like

Wii Fit

by LJ Dovichi May 8th, 2008| Cardio, Strength Training, Yoga
With obesity on the rise in children and adults, promoting fitness and healthy eating is more important than ever. In today's electronic age of dvd's, computers, and video games it's really hard to get off the couch and get some exercise. However, I think it just got a little easier,

Go Swimming

by Erin Steiner May 3rd, 2008| Sports

It has taken longer than usual, but the weather is finally starting to warm up and become spring/summer-like. With the increased temperatures and the return of the sunshine most people find that the idea of working out indoors is less than thrilling. Who wants to get all sweaty running



by LJ Dovichi May 2nd, 2008| Walking
Walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that's good for any fitness level. It's the most natural form of exercise, and your body specializes in it. Walking is safe, simple, doesn't require any fancy workout equipment, any practice, and is gentle on the body. Walking is good for you and the

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.