
Archives for March 2010

Spartacus: Blood and Sand –Gladiator Camp

by Jenn McD. March 30th, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
Ever since January 22, 2010, my guilty pleasure and obsession has been with the new Starz original series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand. The show talks about a man who was betrayed by the Romans, forced into slavery, and reborn as a gladiator.

In order to play these beasts of

Conditioning Exercises to Help Prevent Ski Injuries

by Bea March 25th, 2010| Strength Training
No, no, I am not writing this article from experience and because I am trying to warn you of a mistake that I made, but now that skiing season is almost over, I have been in the mindset of wanting to improve myself as a skier before next season

Exercise For Teens

by Jacob Parzych March 23rd, 2010| Running, Sports, Strength Training, Walking
These days, teens are in worse shape than ever.  Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese.  Obese teens are considerably more likely to die before the age of sixty than teens who are in shape.

Obesity is a very dangerous disease, so I am adding my thoughts

Ab Exercises at Home

by MPK March 19th, 2010| Exercises
Bathing suit is even closer, which may mean you're working even harder to get ready.  In the past two weeks, you've learned about some simple upper body and lower body exercises that you can do at home- without any exercise equipment.  This week we have a couple exercises

GRRR-Rizzly Bear

by Joe Lawrence March 18th, 2010| Cardio, Exercises
Imagine coming across a grizzly bear in the wild.  How would that make you feel?  Scared?  Recently, I encountered a grizzly bear but not the actual animal.  I have encountered a fitness routine nicknamed the grizzly bear, and it, too, is scary.

This is a workout consisting of numerous calisthenic

Proud Influence

by Louise March 16th, 2010| Running
There are many people like you and me, interested in fitness and willing to make the commitment to exercise, but then there is the other side of the spectrum, where people don't mind sitting all day long. We all have friends just like that. What if you could be

Lower Body Exercises

by MPK March 11th, 2010| Exercises
Last week, we began our countdown to bathing suit season with simple upper body exercises that can be done at home without any special exercise equipment.  This week we will continue with lower body exercises.  Again these exercises can be done at home, and you don't need to purchase


by Bea March 9th, 2010| Biking
If running seems to be too tiring for you, start out with biking! By biking first, you will be able to build up some of your muscles and stamina, and maybe you will be able to run what you bike in some time.

Today I had the opportunity to bike

Upper Body Exercises

by MPK March 5th, 2010| Exercises
With bathing suit season just around the corner, many people start to consider changing their diet and improving their workout routine.  Over the next few weeks, My Fitness Tunes will help you get ready by providing you with exercises targeted at specific body zones.  Whether you want to improve your

More Ab Exercises

by Louise March 4th, 2010| Exercises, Strength Training
Looking for some more ab exercises? Here are 3 leg lift variations that have been used by many top athletes:

Single Leg Lifts - Start with your back on the ground and one knee bent, so that the sole of one foot is flat on the ground about a foot and

Variation Is a Killer…

by Joe Lawrence March 2nd, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
I just arrived at a professional development school yesterday in the mountains of Tennessee and was rudely reminded about the importance of variation.  The quarter mile hike up a very steep hill to the check-in office was a killer after eight hours on the road.  It was even more fun

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.