
Archives for August 2010

Fit for lunch or lunch fit?

by Jenn McD. August 31st, 2010| Eating Tips
Tomorrow for most kids, the 2010-2011 school year begins. As I was roaming the somewhat bare shelves of the local Wal-Mart with my inspiring and creative genius of a second mother, we came upon a topic for My Fitness Tunes. Getting back on track to being healthy when returning

Mind vs. Muscle: Workouts for Body and Brain

by TJ Davis August 26th, 2010| Yoga
Fitness is a goal that many of us share, and for most people today, the emphasis goes beyond just the physical. Complete fitness is about finding balance in body and mind. Several types of workouts now focus on the mind-body connection. These include yoga, tai chi, and Pilates -

Hooping it Up

by TJ Davis August 24th, 2010| Exercise Equipment
One of the newest fitness crazes involves an ancient piece of fitness equipment. And when I say ancient, I don't mean pre-21st century equipment, like that vibrating abdominal belt machine that was all the rage in health spas in the 1950s; I mean training for the Greek Olympics ancient.

Meditation in Motion

by TJ Davis August 19th, 2010| Yoga
Tai chi was originally developed in ancient China as an art of self defense. It was not long after the development of tai chi that the many health benefits of repeatedly performing the slow, gentle movements in conjunction with deep and focused breathing became clear. Today, tai chi is


by TJ Davis August 12th, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
A kettlebell is a cast iron weight with a handle. Developed in Russia, the original kettlebells weighed approximately 35 pounds, but with the advancing popularity of kettlebell training in the US and abroad, the weights can be found ranging from 5 pounds to 175 pounds each. Used properly, kettlebells

Foam Rollers

by Bea August 10th, 2010| Exercise Equipment, Exercises, Running
One of the best ways to eliminate and prevent muscle knots is to use a foam roller. While saying hydrated to prevent cramps and stretching your muscles is also very important, foam rolling will help you in many ways that both of these two things cannot. However, it is


by Louise August 5th, 2010| Strength Training
Slacklining is all about balance. It's not a sport in which you compete against others; it is all about personal improvement. A slackline is essentially a long and extremely narrow trampoline. It is fairly taut, but stills sags a fair amount when weight is applied. Most slacklines are created

Belly Dance to Boost Fitness

by TJ Davis August 3rd, 2010| Exercises
If you are like me, you are always looking for new ways to make fitness fun. Once exercise becomes routine, it's difficult for me to motivate myself to stick with it. Fortunately for me, I recently discovered belly dance for fitness. There are many different programs offering fitness routines

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.