
Archives for November 2010

Running Form: Part One

by Louise November 30th, 2010| Running
How do you know if you are running as efficiently as possible? The key is proper running form and mechanics. Naturally, there are many different running styles. Every person is built differently; therefore, every person has a unique stride. However, there are many aspects of form and mechanics that

Battle of the Stairs

by MPK November 24th, 2010| Cardio
I workout six days a week, which makes exercise a crucial part of my life.  However, as much as I enjoy starting my day with a workout, I always am trying to keep it interesting for my mind and challenging for my muscles.  One strategy that I have found

Fuel Your Workouts

by Chang Song November 18th, 2010| Eating Tips
Food, water, and oxygen are the essentials of surviving in this great universe of ours. Those three things are irreplaceable and are not to be had without the others, they are like the true Three Musketeers. This is especially true when one is going through the process of losing

Fitness levels decrease as College goes on

by Bea November 16th, 2010| Eating Tips
What is written in this article will most likely not come as a shock to you at all; in fact, it is almost obvious. The basic gist is that as college students go from being first years to seniors, they become much more sedentary. I recently heard about a

Winter Walking

by MPK November 11th, 2010| Walking
If you live in a region upon which snow and ice will soon descend, how can you continue your regimen of walking?  The simple choice of walking in your neighborhood may be eliminated, if your streets become more narrow and your sidewalks aren't plowed well.  That doesn't mean that


by Louise November 9th, 2010| Strength Training
We often talk about strength training referring to the strength of our arm muscles, but we can also perform strength training exercises for the muscles in our legs. One of the fundamental exercises that will help you strengthen your legs is lunges. Though lunges look relatively simple, they can

Morning Stretches

by Bea November 4th, 2010| Exercises
Even if you cannot exercise every single day, even though you should, something that you should try to incorporate into your daily regime is stretching. It does not have to be for a long time, ten minutes will even do the trick, and it will actually give you a

Picking Up the Pace

by Louise November 2nd, 2010| Running
Have you ever been on a run and felt like you needed to slow down, and upon doing so, felt more tired than you were before? I've definitely had this feeling. In fact, I used to feel this way on all of my runs, finding myself getting to a

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.