
Archives for 2011

Yoga and the Change of Seasons

by Denise Druce September 14th, 2011| Fitness Expert

It is the summer's great last heat,
 It is the fall's first chill: They meet.

–Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt

Here we sit, looking longingly at our last few days of summer, yet looking forward to the cool, crisp weather that autumn brings.  As the seasons change, our thoughts change,

Strength Training: Dorm Edition

by Mackenzie M. September 13th, 2011| Strength Training
Last week, I wrote about developing a running habit for the college student. I emphasized the important and positive effects running can have on both your physical and mental health. Continuing with the theme of dorm room fitness, comes the somewhat more difficult task - strength training in college.


Cardio Alternatives to Running

by Angela Yorke September 12th, 2011| Cardio
Running is one of the easiest cardio exercises to do. So are hiking and speed walking. The downside is the impact that these activities have on the joints, which tends to become more obvious as a person ages - especially where running is concerned. I wouldn’t give up running

Run, Collegiate, Run

by Mackenzie M. September 8th, 2011| Running
As students nationwide are getting settled into their new routines, college students have to make the conscious decision whether to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. For most, their ever-busy schedules force them to drop their daily exercise. But to stay healthy in college, exercise is a necessity, next

Fitness Ideas for Kids

by Carlo Celotti September 7th, 2011| Fitness Expert
With the summer ending and children going back to school, this means they will be spending more time sitting down in class or doing homework, so it is even more important to find ways of keeping physical activity in their lives. Although organized forms of physical activity, such as

Kryptonite Locks

by Bea September 6th, 2011| Biking
Rather than driving to where you need to be, take your bike out for a ride. You'll be exercising, as well as saving costs; however, it is important to keep your bike safe and secure. I doubt you want to be walking 5 miles to get home with your

Strength Training Outside the Weight Room

by Angela Yorke September 5th, 2011| Strength Training
Even though the idea of strength training and weight training are practically inseparable from one another, there are a few reasons a person might want to build strength without lifting weights. For one, such facilities might be an inconvenient distance away, or gym membership fees might be prohibitive. Others

Cardio Exercise with Elliptical Machines

by Heather Duchan September 1st, 2011| Cardio
Elliptical machines are a favorite tool for exercise beginners. They offer a low-impact workout that's easy on the joints, but still provides the same cardio benefits over more intense workouts like running. Another benefit is that these machines have a low "perceived rate of exertion," meaning that you don't feel

Do Athletes Need Protein Shakes?

by Heather Duchan August 30th, 2011| Sports
In recent years, marketing has convinced many to believe that athletes have exceptional protein needs, requiring supplementation by protein powders and bars. Every gym and health food store you go into has shelves full of protein shake powders, protein bars, and other protein supplementation products. This is definitely a

Sustaining a Family Fitness Program

by Angela Yorke August 29th, 2011| Family Fitness
It’s easy enough to plan a family fitness program, and to get everyone interested in it; however, the main challenge is to keep everyone interested. The saying goes that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so you can’t expect a group of couch potatoes to transform into

Tips for Juicing

by Heather Duchan August 25th, 2011| Eating Tips
Juicing and juice fasts have long been used by those on the fringe of health communities. Many juicing enthusiasts tout benefits, including more energy, mental clarity, weight loss, and reversal of illness and disease. There are many theories behind these benefits as well.

Cooking foods, even lightly, reduces nutrients. By

Starting a Fitness Program as a Senior

by Joan Jacobsen August 24th, 2011| Fitness Expert
Whether you're 65 and a part of the senior age group, or you're in your 50s but have not partaken in a workout regimen in a while, this article is for you!  Starting a new exercise program may not be as easy as when you were younger, but that

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.