
Archives for March 2012

Too Fat to Lose Weight?

by Angela Yorke March 29th, 2012| Cardio
Weight gain can be a vicious cycle. You might start out in reasonably good shape, but lead a largely sedentary lifestyle. If you work out once a week, it becomes easy to give in to the notion that you can eat anything you want (and in any amount) just

Hooping to be Fit

by Joan Jacobsen March 28th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Ah, spring is in the air, warmer temperatures, longer days, and meaningful outdoor activities. It appears I usually get a burst of energy when March 20th rolls around. Besides flowers blooming, and buds exploding, my waist seems to have the same reaction as these flora occurrences. I tend to

Sand Walking

by Bea March 27th, 2012| Walking
This past week I had the amazing opportunity to visit the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in Colorado. These dunes are the highest dunes in North America. Our first intention was to check out the dunes from afar-- after all, we still had at least 3 hours of

Core Strength for Golf

by Mackenzie M. March 26th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Like most sports, golfers should focus on strengthening their cores for the best technique and the reduction in the risk of injury. Core muscles are the foundation and source of power for golf swings, so strengthening this area almost guarantees the most powerful swing possible. Building core strength also

Shoulder Strength: Nothing to Shrug At

by Angela Yorke March 22nd, 2012| Strength Training, Upper Body
When it comes to building strength, most people tend to forget about their shoulder muscles in favor of the more visible ones in the upper and lower limbs, as well as that of the core. Sometimes, it seems as if the only time any importance is attached to these

Fueling Your Ferrari

by Sarah Harris March 21st, 2012| Nutrition
Transforming 3 Energy Wasters into High Grade Fuel!

Wouldn't you like to consider your body to be like a Ferrari?  If that’s the case, here are 3 high-grade fueling tips to keep your machine running in top-notch condition.

1) Caffeine:

If you suffer from sleepless nights, fatigue, pain, or dysfunction, caffeine may


by Louise March 20th, 2012| Eating Tips
"Carbo-loading" is a term typically used by endurance athletes, which most commonly refers to eating increased amounts of carbohydrates starting three days before an endurance event, specifically a competition. Most commonly, carbo-loading comes in the form of a "pasta party" the night before a big race, such as the

Run Into Spring!

by Mackenzie M. March 19th, 2012| Running
Spring has currently sprung in many locations around the country, and that means that the season of races for runners is about to begin. In typically frigid areas, the trees and flowers are finally blooming along with courses for 5ks, 10ks, and hundreds of fun runs that are planned

Controlling Diabetes Using Insulin

by Editorial Team March 16th, 2012| Special Interest Section
Insulin plays a very important role in the body. It is a hormone naturally produced by the pancreas. The main action of insulin is to keep the blood glucose at a normal range. When the body is producing lesser amount or no insulin, a condition called type 1 diabetes

Bad Weather Exercise Options

by Angela Yorke March 15th, 2012| Family Fitness
Aside from winter, there may be other occasions when it just isn’t feasible to exercise outdoors with your family. For example, you wouldn’t want to brave a torrential downpour when leading the family out on a run, although you might do that if you were out on your own.

Emotional Reactions in Yoga Class

by Denise Druce March 14th, 2012| Fitness Expert
You made it to class early enough to find your spot on the right side of the room. You have just finished an amazing flow with your favorite yoga teacher. As class is winding down and you come into bridge pose, from out of nowhere tears fill your eyes

Refueling While Doing Cardio

by Jessica B. March 13th, 2012| Cardio
It’s one of the age old questions, how much do you have to work out before you need to start thinking about refueling? Sometimes I see people out for a 5K jog with a water belt around their waist.  I know friends who have headed out for a half

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.