
Archives for abs

yoga pose (400x400)

4 Heart Pounding Yoga Poses for Your Abs

by Marnie Bii March 27th, 2024| Assorted Workouts, Cardio

Your core muscles provide the support your body needs while getting in shape and gaining strength. Without strong abdominal muscles, you are at risk of injuring your lower back while performing heavy lifting moves. You also need a strong core


Burpee: A Key to Core Strength

by Mackenzie M. January 28th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
High school gym class can seem like four years of punishment. The running drills, mediocre games of baseball, and seemingly pointless exercises often do not have a positive lifelong impact; however, one exercise used as an actual punishment in high school gym classes is actually one of the most
ice skate

Core Strength Training on Skates

by Mackenzie M. January 1st, 2013| Core, Strength Training
A few weeks ago, I discussed some of the positive effects that ice skating can have on a cardio workout. The same can be said for ice skating and working on core strength. After ice skating recently, I was astounded at the work out that my core

The Abs Diet for Women

by Kimberly Hays December 3rd, 2012| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy
The Abs Diet for Women was developed by David Zincenko, who is the Editorial Director for Women’s Health magazine, as well as Editor-in-Chief for Men’s Health magazine. He is considered one of the top health experts in the country. He developed this plan to help women with their biggest

Kendo: Strength Training with the Sword

by Mackenzie M. October 12th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Literally translating from Japanese as “way of the sword,” kendo is a martial art that dates back to the time of the samurai. Kendo sword fighting is very popular among Japanese middle and high school students today, and continues the legacy of the samurai class of feudal Japan.

These days,

Strength Train to Relieve Back Pain

by Mackenzie M. June 19th, 2012| Strength Training
According to WebMD, about 25% of Americans are affected by back pain every year, and “they spend more time at the doctor’s office for back pain than for any other medical condition except high blood pressure and diabetes.”

To help get rid of this problem, many leading neuromuscular specialists are

Core Strength Training: Cyclists

by Mackenzie M. February 27th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
As young professionals and college students are opting for a bike for transportation over a car, more and more information is becoming available about the benefits that riding a bike can provide - for health and for the planet.

Not only does it reduce harmful exhaust and emissions, it also

Lower Body Workout for Lazy Days

by Jessica B. January 9th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
It's that time of year where everyone makes a lot of promises to lose weight, but most do little to change their actual lifestyle. Let's be honest; it's hard to find enough hours in the day to work, to spend time with family, to take care of stuff at

Core Strength Training in the Snow

by Mackenzie M. December 6th, 2011| Core, Strength Training
This winter, rather than doing your typical strength training exercises to sculpt your core, head outside into the drifts of frigid snow for an even better workout. The standard activities you do in the snow, from clearing it, to cross-country skiing, to snowshoeing can also double as the perfect

Strength Training at the Desk

by Mackenzie M. November 8th, 2011| Strength Training
In the past few weeks, I have written articles about easy ways to strength train both while traveling, and while in a college dorm room. This week, I will highlight a couple of very easy techniques to get fit and muscular, all without leaving your office, or even your

Crack Open Your Six Pack

by Joe Lawrence December 16th, 2009| Eating Tips, Exercises, Strength Training
Everyone wants a flat stomach or the famous six pack abs.  The problem is most people do not do the right things to get them.  Hopefully, I will give you some ideas to steer you in the right direction.

First off, I want to say that I personally do not feel

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.