
Archives for nutrients

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4 Nutrient-Rich Stomach Turning Super Foods

by Marnie Bii March 17th, 2015| Healthy Eating, Superfoods
Sometimes nutritious food does not always come in the most appetizing package. In fact, the most delicious things on the menu do not often have the nutritional value of less palatable ingredients. The following nutrient dense items definitely take that idea to the next level, however. Luckily, if you

Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories

by R. Carnavale December 24th, 2012| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks
There’s nothing better than eating nutritious low-calorie snacks to promote health and well-being. Healthy snacks can be hard to come by, especially if you’re looking for something in your supermarket’s snack aisle. Tempting snack foods like potato chips and candy are a health-conscious person’s worst nightmare. Food found in

Energy Bars: Ladies’ Choice

by Louise April 17th, 2012| Eating Tips
Did you know that there several energy bars made specifically for women?

The leading name in this special sector of energy bars is the LUNA Bar. Normally, going with big "brand names" isn't the smartest way to go as far as nutrition is concerned, but the story is a bit

Organic Nourishment

by Sarah Harris February 15th, 2012| Nutrition
Many of my clients come to me to improve their health and well-being. A great start for most would be making the switch to eating whole unadulterated and organic foods. Many of my clients get the whole foods part but have a hard time understanding why they should pay

Eating Before Exercise

by Heather Duchan October 20th, 2011| Eating Tips
Finding the best pre-exercise foods can be tricky, as every body is different. If you don't eat enough of the right foods, your performance and health could suffer. Likewise, eating too much of any food can make you feel sluggish or cause nausea and vomiting when combined with exercise. Also,

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.